Wasp Pest Control
Wasps, scientifically classified as Hymenoptera within the class Insecta, boast slender bodies, vibrant hues, and distinctly narrow waists. Their sizes, shapes, and colors vary widely, spanning from vivid yellow and black stripes to metallic blues and greens. Wasps inhabit diverse environments, from forests and gardens to urban areas.
Certain species of wasps, such as yellow jackets, display aggressive behavior when their nests are disturbed. Their stings have the potential to cause intense pain and trigger allergic reactions in some individuals. These insects are drawn to sugary foods and beverages, making outdoor gatherings susceptible to disruptions. If signs of a wasp infestation are observed, seeking professional pest control assistance can effectively address the issue.
Types of wasps
1. Yellow Jacket Wasps:
Easily identifiable by their yellow and black stripes, yellow jacket wasps live in colonies and build nests. They are attracted to sugary substances, making them a potential nuisance during outdoor gatherings.
2. Mud Dauber Wasps:
Crafting nests from mud, mud dauber wasps, while not harmful to humans, can be bothersome due to their frequent flying around the house.
3. Paper Wasps:
Distinguished by their elongated bodies and long legs, paper wasps construct nests using paper-like materials. Although not as aggressive as yellow jackets, they still present a potential threat to humans.
Some facts and information about wasps:
- Wasps have the ability to sting multiple times, posing a threat to humans and potentially causing severe allergic reactions.
- The majority of wasp species are predators, primarily hunting insects and spiders.
- Paper wasps construct nests that resemble umbrellas, while yellow jackets create nests in the ground.
- Wasps utilize chemical signals and displays as effective means of communication.

The best way to treat wasps is to treat the main cause of the problem which is the nest. Removing it can be a very dangerous process as the wasps inside them feel threatened and turn violent. They can begin to come out and sting anyone in its way. We at Mourier Pest Control handle the removal of the nest and wasps very professionally. We have to first dress up in protective sting gear to prevent any stings. This is a modern safety gear that we provide for all our staff. All people around the nest need to be taken away to far off places so that they can avoid being stung. We then apply aerosols, dusts and liquids to the nest. The colony of wasps the slowly begin to disappear from the nest, after which the nest is removed.Wasps build their nests in different places. Some are under ground and under concrete slabs. Hence make sure to always get professional treatment as all places may not be safely accessible for the treatment process. Do not try to enter into any of these areas on your own as it can lead to injuries.

We first identify the type of wasps that need to be treated. The treatment for wasps depends on the type of species of each wasp. Once the wasp is identified we will make a treatment recommendation to you. All our staff members are well qualified and have several years of experience in safe treatment of wasps. We advise you to always be on the lookout for wasps. Prevention is better than cure. If you get the slightest hint that wasps are going to build a nest, give us a call and we will treat the issue even before it starts. We treat a lot of houses where wasps are about to start making a nest, this is a better practice to kill the issue at its roots.

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